St. Fillan's Pupil Blog
Monday, 9 September 2013
P6 Topic Selling Scotland
In our class we got put into groups and got given a selection of places in Scotland. We had to choose one of the places and find out information about them. We've started planning our posters and we need to be experts on the place we chose. By Luke N and Luke R
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
P7 weekly post
This morning we got a set date for our Loch Goyle Head parents information evening on the 6th of November 2013. The whole entire class is buzzing about the trip as Mrs Munro has told us a wee bit about it as she went last year.
We have all received a new account instead of our glow e-profile called My MerIT. The reason we chose My MerIT is because many of the local High Schools are going to be using it as well as that is alot more colourful. This means our My Merit profile can continue with us up to high school.
After 3 weeks the Primary 1s are now staying in school for the full day. Now that they are in for the full day we get a set buddy time which is on a Thursday from 1:30 to 1:50.
By Eilidh Maule and Elyse Hart
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
New profiles
Today at ict class we started our new profiles. They are our My Merit profiles and we'll keep them going till we move to high school. We'll use them to make our profile for high school at the end of P7. We'll need to do this again at the end of third year at high school. Today we did our all about me page and everyone in p7 did a post about our learning. We each got our own password to keep safe.
By Jenna and Sophie
By Jenna and Sophie
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
During our first week of school we supported our p1 buddies. Our buddies have already have settled in well and are making new friends by the minute! We've had to use a lot of patience due to the fact they take longer to get ready. By Ryan, Michael & Matthew
Monday, 19 August 2013
P6 Swimming
On Wednesday the 21st we are going swimming at the On-x. We will be separated into groups according to our ability. By Roisin
Friday, 7 June 2013
P4s topics
P4s topic is healthy living.We did solo talks to tell the class about how they shoud use their life. Some people did powerpoints and some people just went up on their own.They were all very good. P4s maths topic is money.We made a shop to try and work out the prices and change.We only had £5 to spend so we could only buy a few things.
Sports Day!
Roughly 10 days ago the whole school went to Houston park for sports day. There was the flat race, egg & spoon race and the sack race. Everyone did very well and thouraghly enjoyed themselves. This is what Saoirse says "I enjoyed sports day very much". In the end Magaret ended up winning.
By Ryan (p6) & Saoirse (p1)
By Ryan (p6) & Saoirse (p1)
P1 are learning about volume in maths. They have been going outside and measuring the water in different shapes and sizes of cups and tins. They all enjoyed themselves.
By, Elisa P1 &Katie P5
P2 Dinosaur Topic
P2 have been learning about dinosuars. It is their topic and they have been writing on a whiteboard. They have been looking at different types of dinosaur and writing about them. By Niamh & Jamie
Friday, 26 April 2013
P5 William Walace Topic
Primary 5 have been learning about William Walace and the Scottish Wars Of Independence.We split up into groups and made a poster about the Battle Of Stirling Bridge. We had a choice to write about the Battle of Stirling Bridge or the Battle Of Bannokburn. We all had fun learning about the interesting events of the past. Now we have stopped focusing on The Scottish Wars Of Independence we will now go on to learn about the Scottish Parliament. We will have a open day for the parents to come and we will have our own political parties and our own election.
By Jamie Aitken
By Jamie Aitken
P2's Roman Numerals
Not that long ago primary 2 started learning Roman Numerals. Right now they have only got up to 12 but they will try to get to 14. Jamie says ,"I'm enjoying it" ,and Anna says "I'm enjoying it too".
By Ryan (p6), Jamie (p2) & Anna (p2)
By Ryan (p6), Jamie (p2) & Anna (p2)
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Green Day April 25 2013
Today we had a green day and a lot of us made costumes for the catwalk. Everyone was very creative! All the costumes were made of recycled materials like bags, bin bags and cardboard. 2nd place for P1-P3 was Harry in P2 and 1st place was Anna in P2! 2nd place for P4-P7 was Millie in P7 and 1st place was Adam in P4! Everyone wore green and enjoyed showing it off. The parents came and watched the catwalk too!
By Michael P6 ,Ryan P6, Jamie P7 and Kate P7
By Michael P6 ,Ryan P6, Jamie P7 and Kate P7
World Book Day
Before the easter break it was World Book Day , we dressed up as our favourite characters from our favourite book!Eva Horne in P2 won 1st place. She dressed up as a girl named Merida from a scottish movie called Brave. The runners up were Chloe Anderson in p6 and Carly in P4.Everyone did a great job putting a costume together!!!
Friday, 19 April 2013
Scottish SPCA
Today the Scottish SPCA came in to our school. They told us about different animals being trapped, hurt and owners being cruel to their pets. We got 3 pictures and were told to put small red circle stickers on 5 hazards on farms. We loved it so much. The lady who done it was called Emma she was so good at explaining it all to us.
By Adam and Niamh
By Adam and Niamh

Friday, 22 March 2013
The Victorian Classroom
Our Primary 4 and 6 classes visited Scotland Street School Museum today and had a very strict Victorian teacher who didn't smile much! She wore along black skirt, a white blouse and had her grey hair scraped back into a bun. They wrote with ink pens, used blotting paper, wrote on slates and had a full Victorian style lesson. They then toured the museum looking at life in Victorian times. They all really enjoyed their trip. By the media team
P7 Rotary Quiz
P7 recently completed in the annual Rotary quiz and the team consisted of four of our primary 7s. They went through six gruelling rounds with ten questions in each. You got two points for each questions you got correct. After a tough competition we eventually won and took first place in the local heat, with Bridge of Weir Primary finishing a close second. Our team will now go through to the National Finals and compete again against other teams from around Scotland. Well done - we're proud of you!. By Jamie Aitken
P6 Tennis Competition
On the 21st of March primary 6 went down to the Strathgryffe Tennis and Squash club to compete in a tennis competition against many other schools from Renfrewshire. Before this they had been getting tennis lessons in school from Derek Brown, Head coach of Strathgryffe and Caitlin Inglis. Sadly for St.Fillans, Houston Primary came first but we still came second. We played really well on the day and are pleased with our performance. By Kate Dorrian
Friday, 15 March 2013
ST.Mirren Football Club
They were also signing autographs for anyone that wanted them. We're pleased to say St Mirren went on to win the cup - congratulations from all at St Fillan's and thank you for coming in to see us. By Kate and Jamie.
Monday, 11 March 2013
On the 7th March it was World Book Day. We dressed up as our favourite book characters . Straight after playtime we had a catwalk to show off our awesome costumes. In 3rd place was Carly McCallum (P4), in 2nd place was Chloe Anderson (P6) and the overall winner was Eva Horne from P2. Each won an Easter Egg and Eva also won £10 book vouchers.
Thanks to parents for kindly donating the prizes and for organising the competition with our Library Committee. Well done to the judges from the Library Committee and to all who dressed up.
A book swap was also done in each class which we all enjoyed. By Jamie Aitken
Thanks to parents for kindly donating the prizes and for organising the competition with our Library Committee. Well done to the judges from the Library Committee and to all who dressed up.
A book swap was also done in each class which we all enjoyed. By Jamie Aitken
Monday, 4 March 2013
P5 Topic
P5's topic is Fairtrade. We have made posters, presentations, leaflets and we wrote persuasive writing to ask people to buy Fairtrade products. Also we performed a role play at assembly. We also persuaded others to buy Fairtrade. We have been looking at the farmers who plant all the products and what they get paid. Our class and Mrs. Mckay has a Fairtrade stall at our Community Cafe so you can buy some Fairtrade products and don't forget about chocolate Friday!!!
P4 topic
In class p4's topic is Victorians and we are going on a school trip to Scotland-street-school in Glasgow. We are really looking forward to it. We have been learning about streets in the Victorian era. We have also been learning about Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. We all really enjoying this topic.
By Niamh Horton
By Niamh Horton
Friday, 1 March 2013
Football Fun Day
On the 28th of February 2013 every class wore their P.E kit to school to take part in an event called Football Fun day. It was organised by our Pupil Council. Everyone also got to take part in an obstacle course and learn football skills.That day the Pupil Council had a bake sale at play time and everyone got to go in and buy something. Throughout the past fortnight the Pupil Council had organised mini competitions, one was guess the teddy's birthday and that was £1 per entry and you could design a football strip and that was 50p. All the money we raised is going to buy new football goals for our playground! We all really enjoyed football fun day. Well done to Pupil Council and Mrs.Sim!!!
Katie Colligan
Vikings in P3/4!!
P3/4 went to Vikingar for their school trip. P3/4 learned about what their life was like if you were a viking and went inside a viking house! P3/4 also learned all the viking God's names. By Max & Michael.
Primary 1 Classroom
We have enjoyed our Robert Burns work. We painted pictures of him.
By Ryan S, Elisa, Paul & Saoirse (photo taken by P1 too)
P4s maths in measure
P4 are doing measure in maths.On the 28th of February we measured our own wire for our metal wire sculptures. We got 7 metres 25 cm each of the plain wire and had to measure out 50cm of each of the coloured wires. On the 7th of March we are making our metal sculptures. We are using what we learned on our visit to see Andy Scott to help us. We are looking forward to working with wire. by Adam G & Max.
During p2's castle topic they painted a huge wooden castle. They have been pretending to be knights on the computer as well as making castle name-tags. In addition to this p2 have been writing stories about knights & princesses. They are also going to bring in costumes to play in then wooden castle. P2 are also going on a school trip to Stirling Castle. Anna said she's looking forward to going inside the castle & Jamie says the trip is going to be really fun.
By Ryan S, Anna & Jamie
By Ryan S, Anna & Jamie
Euro quiz
P6 chose 5 people to go to a euro quiz.They will get a number of euro questions.They will also be competeing with other schools.
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
p4's art topic
P4 have just finished a topic on George Wyllie. We now are doing one on Andy Scott [ both artists]. We are going to Andy Scott's workshop for a school trip. They are both sculptors. We are looking forward to it. P4 wish you a happy new year!!!
Friday, 14 December 2012
Inter schools Badminton tournament
Eight primary 7s recently went to an inter-schools badminton tournament.They travelled to Barrhead sports centre to play.The tournament included 7 schools both from Renfrewshire and East renfrewshire, everyone played well but at the end of the day Houston primary were crowned champions.Everyone involved seemed to enjoy the tournament.St.Fillans will later play in the Renfrewshire tournament some time next year.Thanks to Donnie wood our local school sports co-ordinator who took us to and from Barrhead.
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Local Village Study
Pupils from Primary 3/4 concluded their Local Study topic by presenting to the whole school at a recent assembly. Their favourite part of their village walk was when Rev. Donald Campbell allowed them all to take turns at ringing the church bell. They thoroughly enjoyed learning more about their local community, together with their friends in Primary 4.
George Wyllie Art Project
Primary 4 have been hard at work on our art project with Mrs Nicholson every Wednesday. As well as looking at the work of Scottish sculptor George Wyllie we have been writing about him and photographing our work. We were invited to submit a paper boat to join the exhibition to take place later this month in the Mitchell Library, Glasgow. Each pupil was invited to make a boat of their choice and Mrs Munro and Mrs Sim were invited in to choose the winning boat to represent our class and local community. Our winning boat here on the left was chosen as it was sturdy and very strong. The boat was collected before the holidays to be displayed in the George Wyllie exhibition, together with boats from other schools around Scotland. Well done!
Matthew from our class spent the October holidays being the "roving reporter" for this national project. He visited many of George's sculptures and reported online on them via the Why?sman Project's facebook page. His Mum helped him email his reports in each day and the organisers posted them on the project page. You can see his posts on the "Friends of George Wyllie" facebook page (pupils should be supervised by adults on this site if viewing).
The boats from the rest of the class will join Adam's boat on Hogmanay as they all sail down the Clyde at the Festival's family event. In the meantime we have another exciting event we're trying to arrange to do with our work on George Wyllie - more details to follow.
Matthew from our class spent the October holidays being the "roving reporter" for this national project. He visited many of George's sculptures and reported online on them via the Why?sman Project's facebook page. His Mum helped him email his reports in each day and the organisers posted them on the project page. You can see his posts on the "Friends of George Wyllie" facebook page (pupils should be supervised by adults on this site if viewing).
The boats from the rest of the class will join Adam's boat on Hogmanay as they all sail down the Clyde at the Festival's family event. In the meantime we have another exciting event we're trying to arrange to do with our work on George Wyllie - more details to follow.
Monday, 28 May 2012
Green Day !!!
On Friday 25th May we had a Green Day, pupils throughout the school were challenged to make a costume out of recycled materials which they would show on a catwalk and our judges had a tough job of chosing two winners from P1-3 and P4-7.The winners were Aaron Jones and Robyn Welsh from primary 1-3 and from 4-7 we had Mia Trolan and Daniel Wishart.We also had great hosts from Primary six and seven. We all had to wear green as it is the colour you associate with eco. We raisied £59.50 to go towards our gardening supply.
Later in the day children were outside with their teachers tidying up the school garden where we had tremendous fun!
Later in the day children were outside with their teachers tidying up the school garden where we had tremendous fun!
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Space Presentation

Primary 4 have been learning all about space. We love this topic, we have learned alot about the solar system. During talking and listenting activities we worked together in our groups to prepare a presentation about our home planet. We then went onto report all our new knowledge back to our class mates, using posters and cue cards that we made.
Monday, 28 November 2011
Pyjama Day
We had fun when it was Pyjama Day because we didn't have to get dressed in the morning. We wore pyjamas because we were trying to get lots of bottles for the tombola stall for the Christmas Fayre. Our House Captains collected them and we got house points for each bottle collected. We got lots of bottles for the Christmas Fayre. It's this Friday in the school so come along and join us. You'd like it! by Kaydi Burns
Monday, 14 November 2011
Budding Young Gymnasts
Here are our Primary 1s doing gymnastics with their teacher Mrs Munro. They are learning to balance using benches, crash mats and balance equipment. They really enjoyed it. by Anne Brawley, P7
Monday, 10 October 2011
P6 cake and candy

Last week we made cakes and sweets for our cake and candy as we were raising money for a resource called Brain Pop. We were very succesful as we raised an amazing £103.45. Well done and thank you for the people who donated cakes!! By Shaun P6
Friday, 10 June 2011
Rotary Club Quiz Final
We were finalists in the West of Scotland Rotary Club Final and came third out of twenty schools. We had a great time and the food was yummy! The questions were much the same as the qualifying quiz but just that little bit harder.
Monday, 6 June 2011
Race for Life
We were inspired to do Race for Life because of the number of peoples' lives lost to cancer. People close to us have lost friends and relatives and it was a pleasure to race for them. We ran 5k and it was exhausting! At the end we got our medal and we feel very proud.
Friday, 3 June 2011
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Lockerbie Manor Adventure May 2011
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Scrapbook design generated with Smilebox |
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Enterprise Awards!
At this event both Travel Plan and Enterprise groups were awarded a certificate for their hard work and achievements over the last year. We went to the Paisley Town Hall where we were given the award and we had a great time seeing who else received an award. We just wish the rest of the groups could have been there to collect the award with us.
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Lucky Winners!
Five lucky winners had the chance of a Wonka experience. They won golden tickets in the
chocolate bars they bought from p5, as their topic is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. They were treated to hot chocolate and sweets served by Mrs McKay, yummy!Callum p5, Marie p7, Kieran p7
The Outdoor Classroom!
P1/2 were doing outdoor maths, they were using chalk to create different shapes. They had a great time doing this activity!
Thursday, 3 February 2011
P1 Bug Hunts!
P1 are enjoying their eco action of biodiversity and they go outside once or twice a week to look for bugs.
By Bryony P6 and Matthew P4
P7 visitor Raymond McCrudden
On the 3rd of February Primary 7 had a visitor called Raymond McCrudden. He came in because P7's topic is World War Two and he was 9 years old at the time the war was on. He was an evacuated child and he told us about all of the things that happened during the war. We found it very interesting and he answered all of our questions.
By Kieran P7, Marie P7, Calum P5
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
New Netbooks!
We have 17 new netbooks and all classes have had the chance to work with them.
Primary 1 have been using 'Purple Mash'.
Primary 2 have been using 'Tux Paint'.
Primary 3 have been playing online maths games and using 'Tux Paint.'
Primary 4 have been creating charts at Eco-time.
Primary 5 have been visiting the school website.
Primary 6 have been creating presentations and researching the Rainforest.
Primary 7 have been using the webcams and creating their own yearbook.
(Information gathered by John and Lara P7)
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Web Team
We are the Web Team from primary four to primary seven. We meet every Thursday to update the website and discuss how to improve it. We meet with parent helpers every two weeks, they give us ideas and support to improve the website. We will upload photographs and information about our activities. So watch this space!
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